Books For Sale
List Results
Showing 1 - 24 out of 14045
Round The World In A Baby Austin
Macquarrie, Hector
Hodder & Stoughton
Offered by White Eagle Books
The Path to Power ( Signed by Margaret and Denis T...
Thatcher. Margaret
Harper Collins
Offered by White Eagle Books
Jeddah 68/69
University Press of Arabia
University Press of Arabia
Offered by White Eagle Books
The Form and Manner of Making, ordaining, and cons...
Offered by Ken Spelman Books Ltd
A History of the Life and Reign of the Czar Peter...
Bancks, John.
Offered by Ken Spelman Books Ltd
A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons. 1786.
Grose, Francis.
Offered by Ken Spelman Books Ltd
Group of 6 Christmas cards and two invitations by...
Michael Dinkel, R.W.S., A.R.C.A.
Offered by Stephen Rench
Visiting cards, business and professional cards, a...
Sample book of 1950s visiting cards
Offered by Stephen Rench
Color Codes: Modern Theories of Color in Philosoph...
Charles Riley
University Press of New England
Offered by David Whittaker
Offered by Claremont Books and Prints
Urban District of Cleckheaton, Council Year Book,...
Abraham Fawcett &John H. Linfield
Offered by James Frank
A Brief History of the Batley Co-Operative Society...
W.H. Childe
Co-operative Wholesale Society, Manchester
Offered by James Frank
Methodist Free Church, Heckmondwike. A History of...
John J. Stead
Senior & Co., Heckmondwike
Offered by James Frank
The History of Morley, in the West Riding of Yorks...
Norrison Scatcherd
S. Stead, Morley
Offered by James Frank
The History of Bolton on Bradford-Dale, with notes...
Robert C. Allan (ed)
Privately published, printed by Feather Brothers, Keighley
Offered by James Frank
The Registers of Topcliffe, and Morley, In the W....
William Smith
Longmans, Green and Co., London
Offered by James Frank
The Rochdale Pioneers, Parts I and II
George Jacob Holyoake
Truebner & Co., London
Offered by James Frank
Fifty Years of Co-Operation in Bingley. A Jubilee...
W. Hartley
Co-operative Wholesale Society
Offered by James Frank
Jubilee History of the Wilsden Industrial Society...
R. Mitchell
Co-operative Wholesale Society, Manchester
Offered by James Frank
The Huddersfield Industrial Society Limited. Hist...
Owen Balmforth
Co-operative Wholesale Society, Manchester
Offered by James Frank
The History of the Halifax Industrial Society Limi...
Montague Blatchford
Offered by James Frank
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