Books For Sale
List Results
Showing 1 - 24 out of 783

17 Poems for 6d (Signed + Letter)
Robert Garioch & Sorley MacLean
The Chalmers Press
Offered by The Gently Mad

Primeval Gods [One of 25 copies with a set of eigh...
Np (London): Boar’s Head Press.
Offered by William Cowan

Original offset lithographic poster-poem titled 'S...
LOGUE, Christopher.
Np (London): Vandal Publications for Gear Boutique, Carnaby Street, London.
Offered by William Cowan

Designs by Mr R. Bentley, for Six Poems by Mr T. G...
Gray, Thomas
R. Dodsley
Offered by Ian Reilly Books

Ten Little Nigger Boys
None Credited
None shown.
Offered by Colin Baker Books for the Collector

A descriptive catalogue of the John Clare Collecti...
Grainger, Margaret
Peterborough Museum
Offered by Missing Books

Eleven Poems | First Edition/Second Impression (UK...
Seamus Heaney
Festival Publications, Queen’s University, Belfast
Offered by Endpaper Books

Shelley and the Apprehension of Life
Wilson, Ross
Cambridge University Press
Offered by C L Hawley

The Music of Verse: Metrical Experiment in Ninetee...
Phelan, Joseph
Palgrave MacMillan
Offered by C L Hawley

The Twelve Days of Christmas.
Miles and John Hadfield
Offered by Colin Baker Books for the Collector

The Poets of the Spen Valley. Being Biographies an...
Charles F. Forshaw
Thornton and Pearson
Offered by James Frank

Posthumous Poems. Signed.
Cecil Day Lewis.
The Whittington Press.
Offered by Colin Baker Books for the Collector

[Bloomsbury Interest] Translations from Latin Poet...
TREVELYAN, R. C.; [LODGE, Oliver & Diana].
London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Offered by Quair Books

The Life and Letters of Samuel Palmer Complete Wit...
Offered by John Underwood Antiquarian Books

The Eclogues of Virgil. An English Version.With Il...
Samuel Palmer
Offered by John Underwood Antiquarian Books

The Memory Of War: Poems 1968 - 1982 (Signed)
James Fenton
The Salamander Press
Offered by Grimes Hill Book Club

City Blues – Le Spleen de Paris ~ Eighteen Prose P...
Charles Baudelaire.
Brewhouse Press
Offered by Defoe Books

‘The Explosion’
LARKIN, Philip Arthur
London: John Roberts Press Ltd. for Poem-of-the-Month Club
Offered by Type & Forme

The Less Deceived. Poems
LARKIN, Philip Arthur
Hessle: Villiers Publications for The Marvell Press
Offered by Type & Forme

Florence Harrison: Original Art Work William Morri...
Florence Harrison
Offered by Sarah Key Books

Novel on Yellow Paper or: Work it out for Yourself
Stevie Smith
Offered by David Whittaker
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