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Showing 3385 - 3408 out of 14432

Cinema and the Urban Poor in South India (Cambridg...

Dickey, Sara

Cambridge University Press


Offered by Bookbarrow

FOOTBALL History by. The Association Game / The Ru...

SHEARMAN Montague, Oakley & Smith,Mitchell et al.

London Longmans Green & Co. 1908


Offered by John L Capes

COACHBUILDING - Past and Present

ROBERTSON, Cecil (Hooper & Co.)

LONDON Hooper & Co.(Coachbuilders) Ltd [1928]


Offered by John L Capes

Lucasta. The Poems of Richard Lovelace, Esq. Now F...

LOVELACE, Richard and William Carew HAZLITT (editor)

London: Whittingham and Wilkins, Chiswick Press for John Russell Smith


Offered by Type & Forme

Leaves and Fruit

GOSSE, Sir Edmund William

London: R. Clay & Sons, Ltd. for William Heinemann Ltd.


Offered by Type & Forme

The Garden Book

RICHARDSON, Tim (editor)

London: Phaidon Press Limited


Offered by Type & Forme

Koba the Dread. Laughter and the Twenty Million

AMIS, Martin Louis

London: Clays Ltd, St Ives plc for Jonathan Cape


Offered by Type & Forme

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson: An Objectively...

Gurdjieff, Georges Ivanovitch



Offered by Bookbarrow

Ouspensky: The Unsung Genius

Reyner, J. H.

Allen & Unwin; London


Offered by Bookbarrow

A Study of Gurdjieff's Teaching (Jonathan Cape Pap...

Walker, Kenneth

Jonathan Cape; London


Offered by Bookbarrow

The Hundred Tales of Wisdom

Shah, Idries

Octagon Press Ltd.; London


Offered by Bookbarrow

Bengal Past & Present: Vol LIV Parts I & II Serial...

Calcutta Historical Society

Calcutta Historical Society


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

Recollections of a Winter Campaign in India in 185...

JONES, Oliver J (Captain RN)

London Stamp Exchange Ltd


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

Histsorical Records of the XIII Madras Infantry

JACKSON, R P (Lieutenant)

The Naval and Military Press


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

Naval Cadet with HMS Shannon Brigade in India: The...

WATSON, Edward Spencer

London Stamp Exchange Ltd


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

Memoir of the Services of the Bengal Artillery

BUCKLE, Edmond

Wm H Allen & Co


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

The Lure of the Indus Being the Final Acquisition...

MacMUNN, George (Lieut-General Sir)



Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

The Life of Lieut.-General H. H. Sir Pratap Singh

Wart, R. B. Van

Oxford University Press; London


Offered by Bookbarrow

Knowing How to Know: A Practical Philosophy in the...

Shah, Idries

Octagon Press; London


Offered by Bookbarrow

Old Oraibi: A Study of the Hopi Indians of Third M...

Titiev, Mischa

University of New Mexico Press; Albuquerque, U.S.A.


Offered by Bookbarrow

Records of Buckinghamshire



Offered by Pennymead Books

Biographical Notices of Officers of the Royal (Ben...


Smith, Elder, & Co


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

A Memoir of Central India, Including Malwa, and Ad...


Kingsbury, Parbury & Allen


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

Stokers And Pokers or the London and North-Western...

ST JOHN, Bayle

John Murray


Offered by Yatton Books & Prints

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