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Anthony Smith Books

Fox on a Barn Door. Poems 1963-4.

Walker, Ted

London, Jonathan Cape


The Complete Works of W. H. Auden: Prose. 1. 1926-...

Auden, W. H.

London and Princeton, Faber and Faber & Princeton University Press


Between the Rocks.

Morley, Hilda

Berkeley, Tangram


Captains Courageous. A Story of the Grand Banks.

Kipling, Rudyard

London, Macmillan and Co. Ltd


A Naturalist's Voyage. Journal of Researches into...

Darwin, Charles

London, John Murray


The Garden of Hyeres. A description of the most so...

Smith, Adolphe

London & Hyeres, The Fleet Printing Works and H. Souchon (J. Evans and Company)


The Assassin.

O'Flaherty, Liam

London, Jonathan Cape


Of Kings' Treasuries.

Ruskin, John

London, George Allen



Vaughan, Henry

Gregynog, The Gregynog Press


The Mortmere Stories. Introduced by Katherine Buck...

Isherwood, Christopher & Edward Upward

London, Enitharmon Press


Ghastly Good Taste. Or, a depressing story of the...

Betjeman, John

London, Chapman & Hall, Ltd


Buildings of County Antrim, County Armagh and Nort...

Brett, C. E. B.

Belfast, Ulster Architectural Heritage Society and the Ulster Historical Foundation


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