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The Indian Tribes: some Account of the Conduct of...
London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends).
Edward Marsh
Hellas : a lyrical drama / by Percy Bysshe Shelley...
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (edited by Thomas J. Wise)
The Shelley Society
David Dreadnought; or, Nautic Tales and Adventures...
Whitchurch, Samuel
Bath printed by Wood & Cunningham; & sold by Williams
Heavenly Soles : Extraordinary Twentieth-Century S...
Mary Trasko
Abbeville Press, (New York)
Many Pleasant Hours: A History Of The Victoria Bow...
Wordsworth, Norman
Victoria Bowling Club, Norwich
Hull Museum Publications No's 73 to 84 (bound edit...
Thomas Sheppard
Hull Museum Publications
Portrait of a College: A History of the College of...
Miller, Edward
Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge
The Violin Explained : Components, Mechanism, and...
Beament, James (SIGNED COPY)
Oxford University Press
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Adrian Harrington - also trading as Hall's Bookshop | Adrian Harrington Tunbridge Wells
Tunbridge Wells
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