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Christian F Verbeke Rare Books

O escravo branco companheiro do tio Thomaz, ou A v...

(Richard Hildreth) Cunha, Luiz Maria do Couto de Albuquerque da

Lisboa: Luiz Correia da Cunha


Menzies' vignette views of Edinburgh and its vicin...

John Gellatly et al

Edinburgh: John Menzies,


[Carte-de-visite portrait of George Macdonald]

Elliott & Fry Photographer-publishers

London: Elliott & Fry


Origin of the Union Jack of Great Britain.

Mercantile Marine Service Association (Great Britain)

Liverpool: Mercantile Marine Service Association


Menzies’ vignette views of Edinburgh and its vicin...

John Gellatly et al

Edinburgh: John Menzies


Troldtøj. Folkesagn i Nutidsliv. Med billed-fanta...

Drachmann, Holger

Copenhagen: Ernst Bojesens Kunstforlag


A plan of the intended New Road from Padington to...

Cole, Benjamin

London: Gentleman's Magazine


[Sequential art, an early example] Napoleons histo...

Victor Adam

Stockholm: C. von Schéele


Dictionnaire abréviatif chiffré

Sittler, F.-J.

Paris: J. Michelet


Fireclay Goods Manufacturers Catalogue

William Harriman & Co Ltd

Newcastle Upon Tyne: Harriman & Co Ltd


Conferencias sobre Vinhos.

Aguiar, Antonio Augusto de

Lisbon: Academia Real das Sciencias,


Memória sôbre os processos de vinificação empregad...

Villa Maior, Visconde de; Antonio Augusto Aguiar and Ferreira João Ignacio Lapa

Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional


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