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D & M Books

A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerla...

John Moore

T. Cadell Jun. & W. Davies


The Second Form at Malory Towers

Enid Blyton



Malice Aforethought

Francis Iles

Victor Gollancz



Jeffrey Farnol

Hove Corporation Publicity Committee


The History and Topography of the County of Essex

Thomas Wright

Geo Virtue


Work Suspended

Evelyn Waugh

Chapman and Hall


The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

Charles Dickens

Chapman and Hall


The Death of Abel in Five Books

Mr. Gessner

R. and J. Dodsley



George Eliot

Estes and Lauriat


The Ideal Cookery Book

M. A. Fairclough

The Blackfriars Publishing Company


The Plant Hunters: Or Adventures Among the Himalay...

Captain Mayne Reid

J. and C. Brown


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