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Forest Books

Sir Cornelius Vermuyden. The Lifework of a great A...


London: Williams & Norgate,


The Miner’s Guide, being a Description and Illustr...

SMITH (Thomas)

[Birmingham]: Printed for, and sold by the Author,


Dissertation on Lime, and its use and abuse in Agr...

HORNBY (Thomas)

York: Printed by W. Blanchard and Son, for the Benefit of the York County Hospital,


A Letter to Thomas Trotter, M.D., Occasioned by hi...

DEWAR (Henry)

Manchester: Printed by C. Wheeler and Son,


A Delineation of the Strata of Derbyshire, Forming...

WATSON (White)

Sheffield: Printed by W. Todd,


The Practical Miner's Guide; The Practical Miner's...

BUDGE (John)

London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green,


A Treatise on a Section of the Strata, from Newcas...

FORSTER (Westgarth)

Alston, Cumberland: Printed, for the Author, at the Geological Press,


Plans, Elevations, and Sections; with Observations...

SHAW (James)

Whitby: Printed by T. Webster, Sold by the Author; and W. Tesseyman, Bookseller, York.


Large Sample Book of Fancy Coloured Patterned Velv...




Essay on the Construction and Use of a Mine-auger....

[GEISSAU (Anton Ferdinand von)]

Dublin: Printed by W. Wilson,


The Court and Country Confectioner: or, the House-...


London: Printed for G. Riley, at his Circulating Library, Curson-Street, May-Fair; J. Bell, in the Strand; J. Wheble, Pater noster-row; and C. Etherington, at York,


Bradshaw's Railway Companion, containing the times...


Manchester: Printed & Published by Bradshaw & Blacklock,


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