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H M Fletcher
Les oeuvres de feu M. Claude Fauchet premier presi...
FAUCHET, Claude (1530 - 1602)
Paris : Par David le Clerc, rue Frementel, au petit Corbeil, prez le puits Certain. 1610
GLYCINE foliis impari pinnatis caule perenni. Lin...
EHRET, Georg Dionysius (1708-1770)
Not published
Motor Racing
CURZON, Francis Richard Henry Penn, 5th Earl HOWE (1884-1964) editor
London : Seeley Service & Co Limited n.d. [1939]
Plans of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, and...
CLARKE, James (d.1790) Surveyor
London:Printed for W. Clarke, Bookseller, 38 New Bond-Street. 1793
Wheels at Speed... Foreword by Henry Maxwell
CHAKRABONGSE, Prince Chula (1908-63)
London: G.T.Foulis & Co. Ltd. 7 Milford Land, Strand, W.C.2. 1946
Wheels Take Wings... Foreword by H.R.H. The Prince...
BRADLEY, Arthur Percy and Michael BURN
London: G.T.Foulis & Co., Ltd. 7, Milford Lane, Strand, W.C.2 n.d. [1933]
The History and Antiquities of Enfield, in the Cou...
ROBINSON, William (1777-1848)
London : John Nichols & Son... 1823
The Famous History of the Seven Champions of Chris...
[JOHNSON, Richard (1573 - c.1659)]
London : Printed by R.W. for T. Basset, J. Wright, and R. Chiswel. 1675
To the Chapel Perilous
MITCHISON, Naomi Mary Margaret, baroness, CBE (1897-1999)
London : George Allen & Unwin Ltd Ruskin House Museum Street [1955]
The Early History of Motoring... with a Preface by...
JOHNSON, Claude Goodman (d. 1926)
London : Ed. J. Burrow & Co... n.d. (1927)
Motor Cars or Power Carriages for Common Roads......
WALLIS-TAYLER, Alexander James (1852 - ??)
London : Crosby Lockwood and Son, 7 Stationers’ Hall Court, Ludgate Hill 1897
Engravings by Rex Whistler for Jonathan Swift’s Gu...
WHISTLER, Rex (1905-44)
[London : Printed by Harrison and Sons for H.M.Fletcher, 1970]
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