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Humford Mill Books


Austen, Jane

Nicholas Vane


Northumbria’s Golden Age

Ed. Hawkes, Jane & Mills, Susan



The Leaping Lad and other Stories

Chaplin, Sid

Phoenix House


The Passionate Angler (signed)

Wiggins, Maurice

Sylvan Press


The Woven Mystery - Old Tibetan Rugs

Page, John & Serena. Ed.


The Hartlepools and the Great War

Miller, Frederick

Chas. A. Sage



Bensusan, S. L.

A & C Black


Memoir of the Hartley Colliery Accident and Relief...

Forster, T. E.

Andrew Reid


The Making of the Tyne. A Record of Fifty Years Pr...

Johnson, R.W.

Walter Scott


Doctor Who - The Ambassadors of Death

Dicks, Terrance

W. H. Allen


The Complete Harry Potter Collection (Adult Editio...

Rowling, J. K.



My Own Life of Adventure

Price, Willard



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