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Meridian Rare Books

My Life in Four Continents.

Chaillé-Long, Charles.

London: Hutchinson and Co.


Scrambles amongst the Alps in the Years 1860-69.

Whymper, Edward.

London: John Murray


En Indo-Chine. Mes chasses, mes voyages.

Montpensier, Ferdinand-François d’Orléans, duc de.

[Paris:] Pierre Lafitte & Cie.


Diary of an Ascent of the River Corentyn, in Octob...

Schomburgk, Robert H.

Extracted from the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, n.d. [1837].


A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to each of the...

Smith, Rev. George.

London: Seeley, Burnside, & Seeley


The Vaulting Horse and How to Use It. Part 1. Elem...

Campbell, Guy M.

London: Gale & Polden


A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin; with a Peep...

Inglefield, E. A.

London: Thomas Harrison


Salt Lake City. In Photo-Gravure from Recent Negat...

[America. Utah.]

New York: A. Wittemann


A Thousand Miles up the Amazon. Being Impressions...

Wadia, Ardaser Sorabjee N.

London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd.


Ten Months Abroad. Notes of a Tour round the World...

Cuthbertson, William & Janet.

Printed for Private Circulation by T. and A. Constable Ltd. at the University Press, Edinburgh, n.d. [1928]


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