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Peter Moore

On Photography.

Sontag, Susan.

Allen Lane, London.


Photography on the Color Line. W.E.B. Du Bois, Rac...

Smith, Shawn Michelle.

Duke University Press, Durham & London.


Fotografia e storia dell'Africa. Atti del Convegno...

Triulzi, Alessandro (Introduction).

Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli.


Photography in the Modern Era. European Documents...

Phillips, Christopher (Ed. and Introduction).

Metropolitan Museum of Art/Aperture, New York.


Chiefly Feasts. The Enduring Kwakiutl Potlatch.

Jonaitis, Aldona (Ed). Essays by Douglas Cole and others.

American Museum of Natural History, New York and Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver.


Indians of the Northwest Coast

Gerber, Peter R. (Translated by Barbara Fritzemeier).

Facts on File, New York


The Art & Life of Georgia O'Keeffe

Castro, Jan Garden

Virago Press, London.


William Morris. The Marxist Dreamer.

Meier, Paul. (Translated from the French by Frank Gubb. With a Preface to the English edition by Robin Page Arnot).

The Harvester Press, Sussex.


Mediaeval Researches. From Eastern Asiatic Sources...

Bretschneider, E.

Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London.


Rodchenko & Popova. Defining Constructivism.

Tupitsyn, Margarita

Tate Publishing, London.


Story of the North West Frontier Province

Ewart, J.M.

Manager, Government Printing and Stationery Office, North West Frontier Province, Peshawar.


With Intent to Destroy. Reflecting on Genocide.

Tatz, Colin

Verso, London.


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