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Roxanna Nazari, Bookseller

Smash and Grab

Clifton Robbins

D. Appleton-Century Company


Aurelius Smith - Detective

R. T. M. Scott

E. P. Dutton & Company


The Compleat Smuggler A Book about Smuggling in En...

Jefferson Farjeon

The Bobbs-Merrill Company


Death in a Bowl

Raoul Whitfield

Grosset & Dunlap


The Shudders

Anthony Abbot

Farrar & Rinehart


The Secret Enemy

Eimar O'Duffy

Geoffrey Bles


The Wraith

Philip MacDonald

Doubleday, Doran & Company for The Crime Club, Inc.


Enter Sir John

Clemence Dane and Helen Simpson

Cosmopolitan Book Corporation


Judge Priest Turns Detective

Irving S. Cobb

The Bobbs-Merrill Company


Guilty Gold A Romance of Financial Fraud and City...

Headon Hill

C. Arthur Pearson Limited


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