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Shapero Rare Books Ltd

A Monograph of the Lories, or brush-tongued parrot...

MIVART, St. George Jackson.

R.H. Porter, London,


Narrative of his Voyage in the Schooner Francis: 1...


The Golden Cockerel Press, London,


The navigations, peregrinations and voyages made i...

NICOLAY, Nicolas de.

Thomas Dawson, London,


A Voyage towards the South Pole and round the worl...

COOK, James.

W. Strahan and T. Cadell, London,


The Workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lor...

MORE, Sir Thomas.

John Cawood, John Walley, and Richard Tottle, London,


Three Men in a Boat; Three Men on the Bummel; The...

JEROME, Jerome K.

Arrowsmith; The Leadenhall Press, Bristol,


Sammelband of Seven Political Pamphlets.

HONE, William; CRUICKSHANK, George (illustrator).

William Hone, London,


Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar...


Murray, London,


The First(-Third) Parts of the Principles of the A...

HEXHAM, Henry.

[Delft(?)], printed by J.M. for Robert Young, n.d. [1637(?)] et al.


The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and th...


Printed by Charles Bill and the executors of Thomas Newcomb deceas[e]d, printers to the Kings most Excel[ent] Majesty, London,


The Art of Archerie. Shewing how it is most necess...

MARKHAM, Gervase.

Printed by B[ernard] A[slop] and T[homas] F[awcett] for Ben: Fisher, London,


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