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Stewart & Skeels

'Sir Water Scott's Study, Abbotsford' and 'Abbotsf...

John Lennie (photographer)


The photograph collector's guide

Lee D. Witkin and Barbara London

Secker & Warburg


Derwentwater, An Autumn Morning

Alfred Pettitt


‘Sandsend near Whitby’ and ‘Beggars Bridge. Glaisd...

Frank Meadow Sutcliffe (1853–1941)


Decorative cabinet card album

Unidentified maker


Photo tinting outfit No 3

Winsor & Newton Ltd, London

Winsor & Newton Ltd, London


The Photographic Colourist: a manual for the use o...

J. W. Neville

Iliffe & Son


Camera in London

Bill Brandt (1904–1983)

The Focal Press


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