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Calendar 2003

Cook, Beryl

Gallery Five


Calendar 2001

Cook, Beryl

Gallery Five


Calendar 1999

Cook, Beryl

Gallery Five


Calendar 1998

Cook, Beryl

Gallery Five


Under the Greenwood Tree

Hardy, Thomas

Folio Society


The Return of the Native

Hardy, Thomas



The Mayor of Casterbridge

Hardy, Thomas

Folio Society


Jude the Obscure

Hardy, Thomas

Folio Society


Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Hardy, Thomas

Folio Society



Hoffmann, E.T.A

The Bodley Head


The King's General

du Maurier, Daphne

Victor Gollancz


The House on the Strand

du Maurier, Daphne

Victor Gollancz


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