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Under the Axe of Fascism

Salvemini, Gaetano

Victor Gollancz/Left Book Club


The Theory and Practice of Socialism

Strachey, John

Victor Gollancz/Left Book Club


The People's Front

Cole, G.D.H.

Victor Gollancz/Left Book Club


Savage Civilisation

Harrisson, Tom

Victor Gollancz/Left Book Club


The Domestic Life of Thomas Hardy

E E T (Hardy's Parlour Maid)

Toucan Press


Life in Bridport 1898-1918 - Port Bredy of Hardy's...

Horsfall, Mary

Toucan Press


American Poetry Now - Critical Quarterly Poetry Su...

Sylvia Plath (edits)

The Critical Quarterly



Ralph Steadman



More Gleanings from Gladstone

not stated

William & Blackwood & Sons


Diary of the Gladstone Government

not stated

William & Blackwood & Sons


The Gladstone Almanack

not stated

William & Blackwood & Sons


Chatto Counterblasts

Various contributors

Chatto & Windus


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