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Shelter Sketch Book

Moore, Henry

Editions Poetry


Pottery - A Hand-Book of Practical Pottery for Art...

Lunn, Richard

Chapman and Hall


The Birds of Cornwall and The Scilly Islands

Rodd, Edward Hearle & Harting, James Edmund (edits)



The Land's End District: Its Antiquities, Natural...

Edmonds, Richard

Russell Smith


A History of St. Ives, Lelant, Towednack and Zenno...

Matthews, John Hobson

Elliot Stock


A Pioneer Potter

Cardew, Michael



Eric Gill

Rutherston, Albert (general editor)

Ernest Benn


Bibliography of Eric Gill

Gill, Evan R



Eric Gill for Father Dyson

Dreyfus, John & Williams, Graham

Bain & Williams


The Letter Forms and Type Designs of Eric Gill

Harling, Robert

Eva Svensson


Louder and Funnier

Wodehouse, P.G.



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