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Pictures of Horses and English Life

Munnings, A.J. Lindsay, Lionel (provides an appreciation)

Eyre and Spottiswoode


Sylvie and Bruno

Carroll, Lewis



Sanctuary - Britain's Artists and their Studios

Amirsadeghi, Hossein

Thames and Hudson



The Engravings of Eric Gill

Skelton, Christopher



The Engraved Bookplates of Eric Gill 1908-1940

Skelton, Christopher (compiles)

Private Libraries Association


A Guide to the Indian Tribes of Oklahoma

Wright, Muriel H

University of Oklahoma Press


A Tramp Abroad

Twain, Mark

American Publishing Company/Chatto & Windus


Wheat - From Plough to Plate

Jackson, Kurt

Kurt Jackson Editions


Art Music Activism

Jackson, Kurt

Kurt Jackson Editions


An Examination of the Rules of Law respecting the...

Wigram, James

Charles Hunter


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