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Unsworth's Antiquarian Booksellers

Monasticon Anglicanum, or the History of the Ancie...

Dugdale, William; Stevens, John:

London: Printed by R. Harbin, for D. Browne and J. Smith; Printed for Tho. Taylor, [etc.],


Prince Arthur. An Heroick Poem. In ten books; [bou...

Blackmore, Richard:

London: Printed for Awnsham and John Churchil; [ditto] and Jacob Tonson,


The Historie of the Civill Warres of France [...]...

Davila, Henrico Caterino: (Aylesbury, W. and Cotterell, C., trans.:)

London, printed by R. Raworth [...] to be sold by W. Lee, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell [...]


Historia rerum Britannicarum: Ut et multarum Galli...

Johnston, Robert:

Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: sumptibus Joannis Ravesteynii [colophon:Goudae [Gouda], typis Guilielmi van der Hoeve.]


Ad lectiones probatiores diligenter emendatus, et...

[Horace] Horatius Flaccus, Quintus:

Glasguae [Glasgow]: in aedibus academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis,


Opera […].

Ausonius, Decimus Magnus: (Fleury, Julien, ed,; Souchay, Jean Baptiste, ed.:)

Parisiis [Paris]: typis Jacobi Guerin, ad Ripam Augustinianorum,


De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni: [...] in usum ser...

Curtius Rufus, Quintus: (Freinsheim, Johann; Letellier, M., eds.:)

Parisiis [Paris]: apud Fredericum Leonard [...],


Traité du vrai mérite de l’homme […].

[Le Maître de Claville:]

A Paris: chez Saugrain, Grande Salle du Palais, a la Providence.


Antonini iter Britanniarum [...].

Antoninus Augustus: (Gale, Thomas, ed.:)

Londini: impensis M. Atkins in Coemeterio D. Pauli,


Metamorphoseos Libri XI cum Annotationibus Uberior...

Apuleius, Lucius (Price, John, ed.:)

Goudae [Gouda]: Typis Gulieli vander Hoeve,


Scriptores rei rusticae veteres latini [...].

[Scriptores Rei Rusticae:] (Gesner, Johannes Matthias, ed.:)

Biponti [Zweibrücken]: ex typographia Societatis,


Opera Quae Exstant.

Caesar, Gaius Julius:

[Heidelberg:] apud Hieronymum Commelinum,


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