1767 - Education for Young Girls - by a lady.

Book Description
LE PRINCE DE BEAUMONT, Jeanne-Marie. Lettres de Madame du Montier, a la Marquise de *** sa fille, avec les reponses. Où l`on trouve les lecons les plus epurees et les conseils les plus delicats d`une mere, pour fervir de regle a sa fille. 415, [1]p., half-title. A very good clean copy in contemporary unlettered half-calf, marbled boards. Early note on the end-paper in a small, near contemporary hand.
12mo. Francfort & Leipsic, chez Knich et Eslinger. 1767.
~ Written in the form of an epistolary novel, this is an educational treatise for young girls.
Jeanne Marie Le Prince de Beaumont (1711-1780) created works of fiction and non-fiction, authored essays and epistolary novels, and published what many now consider the first educational journals for children. She had left an unhappy marriage in France in 1746. The arranged union with M. de Beaumont, a "dissolute libertine," had been annulled after only two years, and in England she found a second husband and had several children. She returned to France in 1762. She is primarily recognized today for the children’s tales she popularized in those journals written during her fifteen years as governess, pedagogue, and author in London. Her version of “Beauty and the Beast,” part of her famous Magasin des Enfants, 1756 is one of the best-known works of fiction published by any woman in the eighteenth century.
FirstSearch record copies at: Bibliotheque Nationale, McGill, Quebec, Olomouc. No copy recorded of this edition in the UK.
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