A Canadian Pacific Hotel at Winnipeg / Hotel Vancouver / Canada's Evergreen Playground Victoria / Yukon Southern Air Transport Ltd. The Inland Route to Alaska.

Book Description
Together 4 gatefold pamphlets. 8vo. (approx. 4 x 9 ). pp. [8], [12], [10] & [8]; illusts. from photos. and sketches, sketch map to third item showing 'The Direct Inland Route linking Alaska, the Yukon, the Caribou, Peace River, Canada and the United States', minor soiling, else very good.
Dealer Notes
These pamphlets, which were possibly distributed by the Canadian Pacific Railway to visitors, feature brief articles and illustrations relating to Winnipeg, Vancouver, Vancouver Island, with an emphasis on CPR services, hotels, and the like. The final leaflet contains information on air services between Vancouver, Edmonton, Whitehorse, Dawson, with timetables and tariffs. The Victoria pamphlet also carries information relating to the forthcoming 15th Annual Empress Gold Tournament, to be held March 8 to 13 1943.
[Canadian Pacific Railway, etc.]
Original wrappers
Items 1, 2 and 4 Printed in Canada, item 2 Printed in U.S.A. (Ames-Hard Advertising, S. F., Calif.), on or about 1942
See description
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