A record kept by ‘Marion’ of films she saw

Book Description
WAR TIME FILMS. Films, I Must See and Films I Have Seen.
A record kept by ‘Marion’ of films she saw, mainly with Grahame, between December 1940 and September 1941. The record book was given to her by Ruth on the 16th December, and she visited the Ritz and Odeon cinemas in Hereford. It provides spaces for Title, Place and Date, Those Playing the Leading Roles, and My Impressions. Sixteen films are recorded, with the remainder of the pages unused. In very good condition, original green hessian cloth, with label on the upper cover and original pencil.
135mm x 110mm. E.W. Savory Ltd., Bristol. 1940.
Films include:
Earthbound - “very odd film”.
Rebecca - “thoroughly enjoyable”.
Pride & Prejudice - “excellent entertainment most amusing film.”
Foreign Correspondent - which she saw twice.
Sporting Blood - “most exciting.”
The Gay Mrs Trexel - “had a good fat laugh.”
Til We Meet Again - “rather pathetic but I enjoyed it very much.”
The Prime Minister - “well acted & well cast.”
Major Barbara - “Cynical but true to life.”
Son of Monte Cristo - “not at all convincing.”
Boom Town - ‘not bad.”
Seven Sinners - “very amusing in parts.”
Second Chorus - “very feeble, not nearly as good as his other films.”
Back Street - “rather disappointing.”
Dangerous Moonlight - “very good... clever photography.”
WAR TIME FILMS - 1940's.
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