A Treatise on a Section of the Strata, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the mountain of Cross Fell, in Cumberland; with remarks on mineral veins. Also, tables of the strata in Yorkshire, Derbyshire, etc.;

Book Description
Second edition, greatly enlarged, xii, 422, xvi appendix, [6] index & glossary, [12]pp., subscribers list and errata, 11 plates number 3-14 (omitting plates 1, 2 & 11 which where never published), some folding and coloured, large folding Strata table (closed tear to first fold), nineteenth-century half calf, rubbed, upper joint cracked, ownership name in gilt on upper board “T. Rontree”.
FORSTER (Westgarth)
Alston, Cumberland: Printed, for the Author, at the Geological Press,
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