Admiranda [...]; De Militia Romana [...]; Analecta [...]; Poliorceticon [...]; De Amphitheatro [...]; Saturnalium Sermonum [...].

Book Description
6 parts in 1 vol. (Admiranda, sive, de Magnitudine Romana Libri Quattro (3rd ed.); De Militia Romana Libri Quinque, Commentarius ad Polybium (3rd ed.); Analecta sive Observations Reliquae ad Militiam et Hosce Libros; Poliorceticon sive de Machinis. Tormentis. Telis. Libri Quinque. Ad Historiarum Lucem. (3rd ed.); De Amphitheatro Liber (2 parts, but with continuous pagination); Saturnalium Sermonum Libri Duo, qui de Gladiatoribus (2nd ed.).) 4to., pp.223, [ix]; 366, [ii] + 1 folding plate; xxix, [vii]; [ii], 219, [iv]; 55, [i], [ii], 59-77, [vii] + 2 folding plates; 136, [iv] + 4 double-page plates. Many further illustrations in the text, engraved printer’s devices. Occasional toning, some faint staining, tiny burn hole to leaf d4 Amiranda. Contemporary vellum, title inked to spine, overlapping fore-edges, edges sprinkled red. Vellum a little grubby, a few spots, but very good.
Dealer Notes
Lipsius’s (1547-1606) Opera Militaria, comprising six essays on Roman military power with plates depicting armaments, machinery, fortresses, gladiators and amphitheatres. First published in 1595 (Antwerp: Plantijn-Moretus).
Lipsius, Justus:
1605; 1602; 1602; 1605; 1604; 1604.
Antverpiæ [Antwerp]: Ex Officina Plantiniana, apud Ioannem Moretum,
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