Book Description

George Orwell's name (originally Eric Blair) first became widely known to the general public with this publication (1945), a satire on the Soviet Union at the time of writing. As an affirmation of its popularity it was translated into 14 foreign languages. He was equally successful with his last novel, 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', published in 1949 before his untimely death in January 1950.
Author George Orwell
Date 1951 (First Edition)
Binding Classic penguin paper covers with orange bands & black titles on front cover & spine. Short biography of Orwell & photo on rear cover.
Publisher Penguin
Illustrator None (except for small portrait of Orwell on the rear cover)
Condition G/VG (narrow paper reinforcing strip along gutter inside front cover. Small hand-written letters 'PEX' appear at top left of half-title page)
Pages 128 (incl. 7 pp adverts for Penguin books)

Price: £16.00

Offered by Geoff Cox Books

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