Archerie Reviv'd

Book Description
First and only edition. Octavo. Contemporary black morocco, gilt double panel, gilt floral corner pieces and roll tool borders incorporating tulip and sunflower designs, very neatly rebacked and repaired in matching morocco, margins a little dusty, light spotting to final few leaves, ink ownership to page 1 which reads, “S.S. Banks 1792”. pp. [24], 79, [1], complete with the first leaf blank, last leaf supplied from another copy (explanation tipped-in on first blank leaf). [Wing 3647], The explanatory note is in a hand very similar to that of Banks, so it seems likely that the final leaf was supplied at the end of the eighteenth century.
Dealer Notes
This is one of Thomas D’Urfey’s earliest publications and it is Robert Shotterel’s only known work. D’Urfey had moved to London in 1676 where he presumably met Shotterel, a member of the King’s Company, which, according to Pepys, resided at Playhouse Yard, Drury Lane. D’Urfey’s early works for the stage had not been a success and “Archerie Reviv’d” was no doubt composed in order to gain favour with Charles II who loved archery. It is dedicated “To their sacred majesties of Great Britain, France and Ireland &c” now that “the Storms of Rebellion being blown over”. D’Urfey also dedicated several of his plays to the King and achieved the favour he so clearly wished for. “Archerie Reviv’d” is a long historical poem drawn from Ascham’s “Toxophilus”. Written in heroic couplets, the poem traces the history of archery from its early use in classical literature through to the Restoration where, under Charles II, it was much in vogue. Thus it would appear that the work was written to court the King’s approval. D’Urfey’s career took off the following year and no further collaborations with the little known Shotterel are recorded.
ESTC locates seven copies in the UK and seven in the USA. The binding on this copy matches the binding on the copy held at the Folger Library. The binder has been dubbed the “Tulip Spine Binder”. Overall a very attractive copy of a scarce book in a handsome morocco binding.
ESTC locates seven copies in the UK and seven in the USA. The binding on this copy matches the binding on the copy held at the Folger Library. The binder has been dubbed the “Tulip Spine Binder”. Overall a very attractive copy of a scarce book in a handsome morocco binding.
SHOTTEREL, Robert and Thomas D'URFREY
London: printed by Thomas Roycroft, ann Dom. 1676.
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