Biblia sacra [1657]. Illustrated with ca.1200 woodcuts by Christoffel van Sichem, after Dürer, Lucas van Leyden, Holbein, Penez, Goltzius (…).

Book Description
Perhaps the most beautifully illustrated bible ever issued in the Low Countries
Biblia sacra. Dat is de geheele heylighe schrifture bedeylt int out ende nieu Testament: van nieus met groote neersticheyt oversien, ende naer den lesten Roomschen text verbetert door sommighe doctoren inder Heyligher Godtheyt inde vermaerde universiteyt van Loven.
Antwerpen, "Eerst T'Antwerpen bij Jan van Moerentorf [Moretus/ Plantin-Press] en nu herdrukt bij Pieter Jacobsz Paets", 1657/ (New Testament 1646), 2 parts in 1 volume, (8)-1270 [= 1268]; 468 [= 442]-(6) pag., engraved title with coat of arms of the dedicatee Ambrosius Capello, bishop of Antwerp on verso, richly illustrated with circa 1200 woodcuts by Christoffel van Sichem, after Dürer, Lucas van Leyden, Holbein, Penez, Goltzius, modern simili-leather with raised bands, folio
Dealer Notes
= Perhaps the most beautifully illustrated bible ever issued in the Low Countries, being at the same time the Roman Catholic pendant of the Dutch States-Bible (Statenbijbel). The Moerentorf Bible met extraordinary success and became the standard Bible for Dutch Roman Catholics for almost three centuries, being repeatedly reprinted as the official Dutch translation of the Vulgate in the Low Countries. Jan Moerentorf, better known as Jan Moretus, published this revised Dutch translation of the Old and New Testament together in 1599 with the title Biblia sacra. Darlow/ Moule 3314; Poortman I, page 134; Le Long, Boekzaal, p.630-631: "Dit werdt voor de Roomschgesinden voor de Allerbeste Bybel en Druk gehouden (...)".
Splendid illustrated corrected edition of the Dutch Roman Catholic Bible. The first part is an update of the standard Antwerp 1599 edition of Jan Moretus. The second part is a revised version (by Henricus van den Leemputte) of the New Testament edition of Cornelis Verschuren. Poortman: "De Moerentorfbijbel werd vaak herdrukt, soms met de prentjes van Beham, soms zonder prenten. Slechts één nadruk willen wij hier bespreken, omdat deze bijbel met zijn 1200 houtsneden ver uitsteekt boven alle andere herdrukken: [this 1657/1646 edition].
Upper joint torn at upper ca.5 cm. A few leaves strengthened in blank margin (incl. engr. title); some dampstaining esp. in beginning and at the end; some browning and soiling in places; first endpaper and printed title with stamp
Splendid illustrated corrected edition of the Dutch Roman Catholic Bible. The first part is an update of the standard Antwerp 1599 edition of Jan Moretus. The second part is a revised version (by Henricus van den Leemputte) of the New Testament edition of Cornelis Verschuren. Poortman: "De Moerentorfbijbel werd vaak herdrukt, soms met de prentjes van Beham, soms zonder prenten. Slechts één nadruk willen wij hier bespreken, omdat deze bijbel met zijn 1200 houtsneden ver uitsteekt boven alle andere herdrukken: [this 1657/1646 edition].
Upper joint torn at upper ca.5 cm. A few leaves strengthened in blank margin (incl. engr. title); some dampstaining esp. in beginning and at the end; some browning and soiling in places; first endpaper and printed title with stamp
1657/ 1646
modern simili-leather with raised bands, folio
Pieter Jacobsz Paets
Christoffel van Sichem, after Dürer, Lucas van Leyden, Holbein, Penez, Goltzius
Some browning and other imperfections (see below)
(8)-1270 [= 1268]; 468 [= 442]-(6) pag.
Price: £1900.00
Offered by Fahrenheit 451 Antiquarian Booksellers
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