[Capitulations] Guide des formalites administratives s'appliquant a la gestion des anciens revenus. la dette publique ottomane, des nouveaux revenus et des dimes. Lois, reglements, instructions et circulaires. Traduction du Rehber-i mouame, etc.
Book Description
About this Item
First edition. Folio. Three Volumes. Vol 1: pp 504 (2), 21. Vol 2: 431 (3), 25; Vol 3: 361 (3), 24, plus annexes. Contemporary quarter morocco, with cloth boards, slightly rubbed, but in good clean condition overall. Three exceedingly rare volumes in French, which show in detail how the Ottoman administration expected their functionaries to apply the capitulations according to which assets of the Ottoman Empire were confiscated as a result of the Ottoman State becoming unable to service its debts. The World Cat gives only one example known, at the British Library. Not in Blackmer.
TURKEY. Duyunu Umumiye Muhasebesi.
Constantinople [Istanbul], 1899-1906/07.
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