China Sea. Report on the Results of Dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, by H.M.S. Penguin [with] Report on the Results of Dredgings obtained on the Macclesfield Bank, by H.M.S. Rambler, H.M.S. Penguin, H.M.S., and H.M.S. Egeria

Book Description
A review, published in The Geographical Journal 1895 (Vol. 5 pp 73-75) stated that this work ‘contains valuable material for discussion in connection with coral reefs. The Macclesfield Bank lies in the centre of the South China Seas, halfway between the northern part of the island of Luzon and the coast of Annam, and due south of Hong Kong. Earlier surveys showed that it rises rapidly out of deep water, has a length of about 80 miles, and a breadth of 30 miles …’
Sir Percy William Bassett-Smith (1861-1227) trained as a physician, joining the Navy in 1883. He was promoted to Staff Surgeon in 1895 and retired in 1920 with the rank of Surgeon Rear-Admiral. He served on a number of naval ships and conducted dredgings to report on the geology and biology of coral reefs, many of the specimens he collected were donated to the British Museum (Natural History).
Dealer Notes
2 vols bound in one, 4to, cont. cloth, lightly rubbed. Withdrawn from an institutional library, a few ink stamps., wrappers retained. Good.
Basset-Smith, P.W.
Admiralty Hydrographic Department
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