Clavis homerica sive lexicon vocabulorum omnium, quae in Iliade Homeri, nec non potissimâ Odyssae parte continentur, accedit brevis appendix de dialectis. Opus primum in Angliâ concinnatum, deinde a

Book Description
pp. [iv], 470, [lxxxiii index, 1 blank], title-page printed in black and red with woodengraved printer's mark, neat early ink signature
Dealer Notes
This edition contains a series of proverbs by Michaël Apostolios inspired by Homer pp. 390-470.
[ anon] Antonius Robert; G. Perkins. Michaël Apostolios (1422-1478)
contemporary vellum with folding edges
Roterodami, Ex officinâ Arnoldi Leers, 1655
Title-page somewhat dust soiled, tiny pinhole, foldmarks to a few leaves, else a very nice copy.
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