Comoediae. Recensuit, notasque suas et Gabrielis Faerni addidit Richardus Bentleius. Editio altera; Augusti Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum; Sententiae.

Book Description
2 vols in 1. 4to, pp. [xxxii], 444, [clxxxii]; [viii], 87, [xcvii] + 3 plates including additional engraved title and portraits. Title page in red and black with engraved vignette, half-title and divisional half-title preceeding Phaedrus. Occasional light foxing, some gatherings toned. Contemporary vellum, gilt spine, gilt boards with central coat of arms of Amersfoort. Light smudgy marks, ties lost, very good indeed.
Small ownership inscription in an old hand, of C.A. Piek (?) dated ’08.
Dealer Notes
Second (and best) edition, following one of Cambridge, 1726. ‘Early in 1726 [Bentley] published an edition of Terence, in which the text is corrected in about a thousand passages, mainly on grounds of metre. The same volume includes an edition of Phaedrus and of the ‘Sentences’ of ‘Publius Syrus’. The preface is followed by a Schediasma on the metres of Terence, and by a Latin speech delivered by Bentley in July, 1725, when he had just been restored to the University degrees, of which he had been deprived in 1715. He here explains the significance of the several symbols of the doctoral degree, the chair, the cap, the book, and the gold ring, which is the emblem of liberty.’ Dibdin adds that this edition ‘of Amsterdam, according to Harwood, is the most valuable, as Bentley communicated to Wetstein, the publisher, many additional notes and emendations.’
Dibdin (4th edn.) II 474; Sandys II 407; Schweiger III 1068; Spoelder 5.
Dibdin (4th edn.) II 474; Sandys II 407; Schweiger III 1068; Spoelder 5.
[Terence] Terentius Afer, Publius: (Phaedrus; Publilius Syrus:) (Bentley, Richard, ed.:)
Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: Apud R. & J. Wetstenios, & G. Smith,
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