Court Summons: A Patent Infringement Case brought by John Felton Of Hinckley, Leicestershire

Book Description
Addressed to “F[erdinando] Jeyes 69 Chancery Lane 26th May 1829 for Jarvis & Power”.
George the Fourth by the Grace of God… To Charles Cooper, illeg., George Lay, William Hazledine. John Weiss, John [illeg.] Thornhill, William [illeg.]. Chief Justice Charles Lord Tenterden. Westminster Hall, Middlesex. Tuesday the second day of June.
John Felton plaintiff and John Greaves and Francis Newton Defendants of a plea of Trespass on the Case… the sixth day of May in the tenth year of our Reign. [1829]. 31cm x 6.5cm, folded. Light dampstaining.
A Patent Infringement case brought by the plaintiff John Felton, of Hinckley, Leicestershire, machine-maker, (a machine for an expeditious and correct mode of giving a fine edge to knives, razors, scissors, etc)
Ferdinando Jeyes (1782-1843), lawyer of Chancery Lane was mentioned by the pornographer ‘Thomas Little’ [J. J. Stockdale] in “Mad Houses! Seduction and Treatment il-Legal and non-Medical of Miss Stabback”. 1831. He died on December 2nd 1843 at Drury Lane Theatre, London, from a heart attack. (Uncle of the inventor of Jeyes Fluid)
A copy of the entry for the patent specification reference in The Repertory of Patent Inventions of 1828 is included.
Chief Justice Charles Lord Tenterden. Westminster Hall, Middlesex
Loose leaf
Chief Justice Charles Lord Tenterden. Westminster Hall, Middlesex
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