De Re Publica.

Book Description
8vo., pp. LVI, 349, [i] + engraved frontispiece and 1 folding plate. Toned, heavy foxing to first few leaves, fore-edge of folding plate tattered. Presentation copy, contemporary brown calf heavily tooled in gilt and blind with gilt dedication to centre of upper board, marbled edges and endpapers. Recently and very sympathetically refurbished.
To centre of upper board: ‘St Paul’s School / 1826 / Frederick Grueber Lugard / Quoesitum Meritis.’ Pencilled inscription ‘Lugard’ to preliminary blank.
Dealer Notes
Dibdin writes of the edition published in Rome the year before: ‘A newly discovered work; which the Discoverer and Editor has published on paper of four sizes […] The great strength, or most interesting portion, of this volume consists in the 2nd book: of which however much is yet wanting. The Somnium Scipionis forms the 6th book, of which fragments were known before.’ (Dibdin I 4th ed, 463-4). This London edition contains two of the plates Dibdin lists for the Rome edition (the group of figures and the facsimile palimpsest), but was issued without the bust of Pius VII found in the latter. Colophon reads ’T. White and Co. Printers, 14 Bear Alley, London.’
Rev. Frederick Grueber Lugard (1808-1900), British Army chaplain at Madras, was the father of Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, 1st Baron Lugard (1853-1945), British soldier, mercenary and colonial administrator
who served as Governor of Hong Kong and of Nigeria.
Rev. Frederick Grueber Lugard (1808-1900), British Army chaplain at Madras, was the father of Frederick John Dealtry Lugard, 1st Baron Lugard (1853-1945), British soldier, mercenary and colonial administrator
who served as Governor of Hong Kong and of Nigeria.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius: (Mai, Angelo, ed.:)
Impressum Romae. Denvo Impressum Londini: impensis J. Mawman,
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