Desert Islands and Robinson Crusoe. With Decorations by Rex Whistler.(REVIEW COPY)

Book Description
Author's reflections on the "tale of adventure" in the 18th century, with particular emphasis on the Defoe classic; extensively annotated. "De la Mare's anthologies should be numbered among his creative works; for in them the quoted passages are woven together on a web of imaginative comment as highly wrought and as often as long as the quotations themselves; so that the whole emerges less as a collection of other men's writings than an expression of the thoughts aroused in the anthologists by these writings, and coloured by the mood in which he read them. These anthologies represent a new literary form invented by Mr de la Mare, which he has employed as yet another mode to express his unique vision of reality." - Lord David Cecil.
Publisher's 'Review Copy' leaflet loosely inserted.
Dealer Notes
First Edition; 4to - over 9¾" - 12" tall; Gilt titles spine with gilt decorations to spine & front; Top edge gilt, faded; Deckled outer & bottom edges (rough cut); Green end-papers with vignette in brown; illustrated by b/w.frontis. & other drawings.
De La Mare, Walter
Hardcover (Original Green Cloth)
Faber, London
Rex Whistler
Good Condition (no Dust Jacket)
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