Deuchden-Schole ofte spieghel der jonghe-dochteren. Waer inne verthoont wort het verscheel ende d'uytkomste van de deuchdige, zedige ende wanckelbare wulpsche dochters, speelschewijse In rijm gestelt.

Book Description
Rotterdam, Pieter van Waesberge, 1625. 4to. Engraved titlepage, (4 ff not numbered),55ff, 2ff. The last sheet page (errata) restored. (some waterstaining in the margin). 5 charming engravings. Wide margins. Nineteenth century marbled boards.
Dealer Notes
Part 4 of the influential Emblemata series (Emblems chrestiennes et morales) by Zacharias Heyns (Antwerp 1566-1638?). Zacharias Heyns, son of Pierre, was also active as a publisher, bookseller and printer in Amsterdam and later on in Zwolle. Some texts and emblems he used are repeated by Maria Heynsz - no relative - in 'Bloemhof'. Although often found bound together each part is paginated separately and has its own titlepage. The book is in the form of a dialogue between Philosophia evangelica, Opinio perversa, Volupas, Humilitas, Superbia etc. First and only edition. [c.f. Landwehr, Emblembooks (1970) #208 & Emblem & Fable Books (1988) # 309; Praz p. 368; Stirling Maxwell Coll. Glasgow # 810].
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