Difesa degli atti di S. Romolo Martire Discepolo di S. Pietro Apostolo. Stampati nel primo Tomo dell’ Istoria di Passignano estratta da una lettera scritta ad un suo amico dal molto reverendo padre maestro D. Fedele Soldani Vallombrosano

Book Description
Difesa degli atti di S. Romolo Martire Discepolo di S. Pietro Apostolo. Stampati nel primo Tomo dell’ Istoria di Passignano estratta da una lettera scritta ad un suo amico dal molto reverendo padre maestro D. Fedele Soldani Vallombrosano. In Firenze MDCCXLI. [1741]
(240 x 180 mm) pp. 23. A-C4 . Woodcut illustrations on p. 19. Text in Italian with Latin quotations. Typeset on paper, dated on final page (Firenze S. Trinita 25. Giugno 1741). Rebound in heavy cardboard with front and back fly leaf added. Provenance stamp of P. Popa with motto: “De his non gustabit asnus.” Overall VERY GOOD condition.
Dealer Notes
The Vallombrosan monk, Fedele Soldani (1696-1765), is perhaps best known for his Historia monasterii S. Michaelis de Passiniano (The History of the Monastery of Saint Michael of Passiniano), a 16th century Umbrian establishment where Galileo Galilei was taught mathematics as an aspiring novice and which served as one of the many power-play-points during the restructure of Tuscany as the Medici came to power.
This pamphlet forms part of a rare collection of ten letters about the history of this important monastery extracted from the history of this important monastery. This first letter, a defence of Saint Romolo, disciple of Saint Peter the Apostle, was printed during the lifetime of Fedele Soldani and begins the story of the monastery. The printer’s note on the verso of the title page explains that many desired to read the present letter, written by Fedele and that the manuscript circulated widely in the city of Florence. When the manuscript came to the hands of the printer, he was motivated to give the public the means to read it, not only to assuage the curiosity of the public, but to give the future some incentive to chase the truth. The printer concludes with a promise— that should he come by more works from Fedele, he will not fail to publish them.
This pamphlet forms part of a rare collection of ten letters about the history of this important monastery extracted from the history of this important monastery. This first letter, a defence of Saint Romolo, disciple of Saint Peter the Apostle, was printed during the lifetime of Fedele Soldani and begins the story of the monastery. The printer’s note on the verso of the title page explains that many desired to read the present letter, written by Fedele and that the manuscript circulated widely in the city of Florence. When the manuscript came to the hands of the printer, he was motivated to give the public the means to read it, not only to assuage the curiosity of the public, but to give the future some incentive to chase the truth. The printer concludes with a promise— that should he come by more works from Fedele, he will not fail to publish them.
Modern cardboard binding
Very Good
pp. 23
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