Book Description

LINGWOOD, Edward Thomas (1859 – 1924) Two portfolios containing forty four small oil paintings mounted in card. Approx 34 cm x 26 cm. One portfolio titled in gilt “Scott’s Hall April 25- May 20 1889” the other with the initials “E.T.L” . Provenance from the Portfolio initials and subject matter and style of the work, as none of the oil paintings appear to be signed, unless under the mounts. Both portfolios restored retaining the original covers and fold ins, but with replaced spines, corners and elastic, matching the originals. The works look to have been painted “en plein air” in Suffolk, Cornwall and Wales in 1889/90, and in 1905. The two portfolios were in a poor state when we acquired them , the paintings possibly mixed between the two portfolios, although the subject areas and locations seemed to be coherent. Edward was educated at Woodbridge ( Suffolk UK) Grammar School and later studied at the Royal Academy Schools in London in 1881. He was a member of the Ipswich Fine Art Club 1878-1896 and exhibited widely in Suffolk, Liverpool, Manchester , The Royal Academy, The Royal Society of British Artists, The Royal Hibernian Academy and the Royal Institute of Oil Painters from 1884-1907. Details of exhibitions and paintings exhibited are listed online. Lingwood was interested in prehistory, as the “E.T.L” portfolio shows, with a lovely series of paintings of megaliths in Cornwall and Wales. He produced illustrations for the 'Prehistoric Society of East Anglia', and took part in excavations and fieldwork. The following obituary sums up Lingwood’s career; “PREHISTORIC SOCIETY OF EAST ANGLIA. VOL. IV. EDWARD THOMAS LINGWOOD. DIED MAY 25TH, 1924. All members of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, together with many other friends in Archaeological and art circles, will mourn the loss of the accomplished gentleman who for years past has acted as honorary illustrator to this publication. Mr. E. T. Lingwood, the well-known Suffolk landscape artist and antiquary, died at his residence, Westleton, Suffolk, on May 25th, 1924. He was the son of the late Mr. Henry Lingwood, of Needham Market, and was educated at Woodbridge Grammar School. He subsequently studied at the Royal Academy Schools, where he gained the Craswick Prize. Landscape painting, in which he attained considerable distinction, became his chief occupation in life and he was at one time a frequent exhibitor at the Royal Academy. During his latter years he had taken up landscape garden- ing and in various parts of Britain picturesque gardens remain as evidence of his skill in the design and execution of this phase of art. From his early days prehistoric flint implemts always held a great fascination for him, and his name appears in the first list of members of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia published in 1909 To those engaged in research in prehistoric archaeology there is perhaps nothing of greater importance than the accurate and artistic illustration of the specimens which they discover and describe. The late Mr. Lingwood possessed, through his familiarity with flint implements and his artistic abilities, ideal qualifications for this work and for many years he gave his services without stint in the cause of science. This work which he carried on without fee or reward made exacting calls upon his time, but was always met cheerfully and carried out with unfailing excellence and accuracy, and will long be remembered and honoured as a lasting contribution to English science. In Mr. Lingwood's death archaeology has lost a true friend and skilled interpreter. In addition to his artistic services, which included the illustration of a long series of papers in these Proceedings, and of the special Report on Grimes' Graves in 1914, Mr. Lingwood was also active as a field worker and excavator, and took part repeatedly in work at Grimes' Graves….[Brandon Suffolk]. [Downloaded from] [Scotts Hall, a former Manor house,C 16th, with later additions, near Westleton, Suffolk UK.]
Author Suffolk Artist
Condition Very Good

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