EMMA DE LISSAU: A narrative of striking vicissitudes and peculiar trials; with notes,illustrative of the Manors and Customs of the Jews

Book Description
A lovely set of the two volume third edition in the original publishers cloth with orig leather lettering pieces. Small 8vo.(7¼X4½") [ix].268pps Vol One 248pps.Vol.Two. Presentation inscription to free endpaper in both volumes to "Anne Smith from Miss Parsons." An example of "Conversion Fiction" in which Emma de Lissau converts to Christianity despite the disapproval of her Jewish family, substantiates conservative Protestant orthodoxy whilst also rejecting patriarchy as radically as did openly feminist writers like Mary Hays and Mary Wollstonecraft. Emma’s conversion sanctions her rational judgment and her refutation of all, except the religious,sources of authority " NB.Domesticating the Novel by Rachel Howard . Scarce.
[Bristow, Amelia] Anon "by the author of "Sophia De Lissau." aka Amelia Solomon
London: Charles Tilt, Fleet Street. J Hatchard & Son Piccadilly etc 1830
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