Georgii Agricolae Medici libri V. De mensuris et ponderibus [Romanis & Graecis]: in quibus pleraque à Budaeo et Portio parum animadversa diligenter excutiuntur.

Book Description
Third edition, the first published in Italy
Kress I, 38 (Paris, 1533 edition); not in Adams, not in Goldsmith.
Dealer Notes
The pioneer of mineralogical science in modern Europe, author of De re metallica. German scholar and philologist. His work on classical metrology is of lasting importance for the history of ancient measures. He established a distinction between medical and legal weights. "The book is also valuable to the student of Roman and Greek numerals, and of the various symbols of measures"--Smith, Rara Arithmetica.
Agricola, Georgius. [Georg Agricola or Georg Pawer (Bauer), also Landmann (1494-1555)]
1535, Mense Iulii
Contemp. vellum
[Venetiis, per Ioan. Anto. de Nicolinis de Sabio. Sumpt. Dni Melchionis Sessae]
Sessa wood engraved 'cat and mouse' device on title and colophon page, woodcut initials.
Very good
ff. 116
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