Gli animali parlanti. Poema, con quattro apologhi del medesimo autore aggiunti in fine

Book Description
16mo (150 x 85mm), engraved title and frontispiece. Publisher's Foreword in English.
According to Graesse II, 65 and Parenti, Dizionario dei luoghi di stampa falsi, 139, the London, Ch. F. Molini imprint is fictitious and the place of printing is Florence. However, the last page has "Printed by Hamblin and Seyfang, Queen-Street, Cheapside", the "To the reader" foreword in English, the "Avviso" on back cover and the price on the spine "Prezzo Paoli 20" might indicate that it was destined for both markets.
A beautifully preserved copy.
Dealer Notes
Giovanni Battista Casti (1724 – 1803), Italian satiric poet and author of comic opera libretti notably for Antonio Salieri and Giovanni Paisiello. The satirical verse fable Gli animali parlante (Talking animals) is one of Casti’s major works. Written in France where Casti spent his last years and first published there in 1802, this versified beast fable of twenty-six cantos in sesta rima alludes to the contemporary revolutionary spirit and the inability of either despotic or liberal regimes to establish a form of stable government. Spurious editions appeared in Italy. It has been called the Animal Farm of its day and both Goya for some of his animal scenes in his Disasters in War series and Giacomo Leopardi for his satirical poem Paralipomeni della Batracomiomachia (The war of the mice and the crabs), may have been inspired by Casti’s Gli Animali.
Casti, Giovanni Battista
Original publisher's printed boards
London [i.e. Florence ?]: Ch. F. Molini [i. e. Giuseppe Molini ?]
Excellent, uncut and mostly unopened, booksellers' ticket 'Noble of Boston' inside front cover, unobtrusive label on front cover, spine tanned..
pp. [8], 633, [2], [1 blank] + 2 engr. pl.
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