Book Description

An interesting volume of John Hassall illustrated stories, 'Glorious Times' appears to be a bound collection of several otherwise published Hassall illustrated books. Publisher uncredited, but two of the stories - 'Such Fun' and 'Country Life' feature Molly's Diary (with Teddy mentioned), which suggests Nelson as a publisher (as they published 'Our Diary or Teddy and Me'). Books contained are: 'Such Fun', 'Country Life', 'Neddy', 'Summer Breezes' and 'Our Picnic' (latter has no front or back cover pages, but seems as published??). Wonderful collection of Hassall illustration...
Author Uncredited
Date 1920
Binding Hardback
Publisher Nelson?
Illustrator John Hassall
Condition Good

Price: £25.00

Offered by Jon Stevenson

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