Histoire Maccaronique de Merlin Coccaie, Prototype de Rablais (sic)

Book Description
2 vols, 12mo, viii, 370pp, and title + 419pp, R7 in vol.2 torn in half and mended with loss of 8 lines, otherwise a good copy, 18. century French red morocco, imperceptibly rebacked.
Dealer Notes
The first French edition of this famous book was published in Paris by P. Pautronnier, 1606. The present edition, bearing the name of the bookseller Toussaint du Bray, is a contrafacon published about 1734._x000b_
[FOLENGO, Teophilo (1496?-1544)]
Paris: Chez Toussaincts du Bray... 1606 [i.e. circa1734]
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