Königlicher Lust Bronnen; Zweijter Königl. Lust Bronnen; Dritter Königl. Lust Bronnen

Book Description
engravings on laid paper with consistent watermarks of crowned shield containing half-eagle and fleur-de-lys, along with initials HL under a double cross, each average 385 x 425 mm. (15 1/4 x 16 3/4 in), the 2nd and 3rd plates each with a repaired tear from the lower sheet edge into the title field
Dealer Notes
a trio of spectacular baroque fountain designs for ornamental pleasure gardens, each in turn surmounted by the dramatic figures of Zeus throwing down aquatic thunderbolts, Apollo holding a lyre, and Ceres holding aloft a sheaf of wheat and a cornucopia, and all surrounded by numerous putti, water gods, sea horses, gryphons and other mythological or exotic animals and figures. They were engraved by Johan Balthasar Probst, Johan Daniel Hertz and Johan August Corvinus, respectively, as plates 24, 25 and 26 for ‘Fürstlicher Baumeister, Oder Architectura Civilis’, by Paul Decker (1677-1713), his collection of inspirational architectural and interior designs, aimed both at appealing to potential clients and guiding fellow architects towards commissioning and building the ideal palace and garden for a nobleman
Decker (Paul)
Augsburg, Jeremias Wolff
Johan Balthasar Probst, Johan Daniel Hertz and Johan August Corvinus
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