La lettre d’imprimerie. Origine, développement, classification; Manuel de typographie moderne; Album(s) d’alphabets .

Book Description
1. La lettre d’imprimerie. Origine, développement, classification. 12 Notices illustrées sur les arts du livre. Préface de Georges Lecomte. Tome premier; [Tome second]. Stout 8vo (228 x 165 mm), two volumes, continuous pagination, pp. xxv, 410, [iii]; [i], [411]-698, [vii]. Title pages printed in black and red, woodengraved frontispiece-portrait of Thibaudeau drawn by Bernard Naudin and 65 plates, over 525 illustrations, facs. and fonts in the text, many full-page. Part one of the work is a retrospective review of historical fonts and typefaces up to the end of the 19th c., abundantly illustrated. Part two takes up from the turn of the century and constitutes a sampler illustrating the 12 ‘Notices’ : La gravure et la fonte des caractères. Les presses et machines à imprimer. Les machines à composer. La couleur dans l’impression. Le clichage et la galvanoplastie. La gravure en relief. La gravure en creux. La lithographie et ses dérivés. L’encre.--Les rouleaux. Le papier.--La reliure.
The plates, many colour-printed, illustrate the various printing techniques and processes, printed on a range of different papers, and include samples of colour lithographed endpapers by Georges Auriol, lithographs by Auriol, Steinlen, Henri Rivière et al, woodengravings by Auguste Lepère, Jacques Beltrand et al, a typical art déco pochoir by Paul Plumereau, a striking chromotypogravure of an early Gaumont affiche by poster artist Bernard Lancy etc.
2. Manuel de typographie moderne. Cours d’initiation à l’usage de tous ceux que cet art intéresse, par la pratique du croquis-calque ou manuscrit typograpĥique. Faisant suite à ”La lettre d’imprimerie” du même auteur. Stout 8vo (228 x 165 mm), pp. xvi, 583, [v]. Title page matching La lettre d’imprimerie t.p., 32 leaves printed in different colour inks on coloured card stock (examples of book covers), 4 pl., 2 Auriol mounted col. pl., partly unopened.
3. Fonderies Deberny & Peignot. Album d’alphabets pour la pratique du croquis-calque. Edité spécialement pour le Manuel français de typographie moderne de F. Thibaudeau. 4to (270 x 220mm), pp. [iv], 151, orig. printed wrappers, head of spine slightly chipped.
4. La Fonderie typographique française. Album d’alphabets pour la pratique du croquis-calque. 4to (270 x 220mm), pp. 160, orig. printed wrappers, top and bottom hinge of front wrapper starting, head of spine slightly chipped.
Dealer Notes
Thibaudeau, Francis (1860-1925). Thibaudeau simultaneously elaborated his Lettre d’imprimerie and his Manuel français de typographie moderne during the years 1915-1924. The basis for La lettre d’imprimerie and for nearly half the Manuel de typographie moderne was not an author’s manuscript but a real maquette, drawn by him by the croquis-calque method and thus providing an exact example of what the printed book would look like. Thibaudeau had fortuitously discovered the typographic croquis-calque ‘transfer sketch’ method in 1900 and despite fierce opposition from traditionalists it soon proved its efficacy for saving composition time and was welcomed by the ever expanding advertising profession. Both works are set in the Auriol typeface inspired by the Art Nouveau movement.
Thibaudeau also devised the first classification system of families of typefaces based on the serif (Classification des caractères par leur empattement) exposed in La Lettre d’imprimerie and vastly expanded in his Manuel de typographie moderne replete with examples contained in the two Albums d’alphabets. The Manuel provides an overview of the typefaces available from Deberny-Peignot and gives a wealth of practical examples of their use. Complete sets of the five complementary volumes are rare.
Thibaudeau also devised the first classification system of families of typefaces based on the serif (Classification des caractères par leur empattement) exposed in La Lettre d’imprimerie and vastly expanded in his Manuel de typographie moderne replete with examples contained in the two Albums d’alphabets. The Manuel provides an overview of the typefaces available from Deberny-Peignot and gives a wealth of practical examples of their use. Complete sets of the five complementary volumes are rare.
Thibaudeau, Francis; Fonderies Deberny & Peignot; La Fonderie typographique française.
[1921]; [1924].
Orig. printed wrappers.
Paris: [privately published by the author] Au Bureau de l’Edition [AND for the albums] [Paris: Impr. G. de Malherbe]
Georges Auriol, Steinlen, Aug. Lepère et al.
Very occasional offset from a plate, else very good.
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