Les Quinze Ioyes de Mariage, Extraits d’un vieil exemplaire ecrit a la main, passez sont quatre cens ans.

Book Description
Second ‘de Rosset’ Edition_x000b_12mo, A-H12, 186, [6] pp, printer’s woodcut device on title, large woodcut on page 19, t-p and last leaf dust-soiled, a few leaves cut close at head, 19c. green calf a little rubbed. t.e.g., circular engraved armorial bookplate of Edward Grisbach on front pastedown.
Dealer Notes
A libertine satire, thought to have been written early in the 15th century, providing a riotous critique of married women but also an important insight into the economic and social life of the period._x000b_The text first appears in two very rare incunable editions, Lyons c.1480 (of which ISTC locates copies at Paris BN and Poitiers BM), and Paris c. 1499 (located in 3 copies, Paris BN, Chantilly and Jena ULB). Sixteenth century editions are given by both Brunet and Tchemerzine as Paris undated, Lyon, C. Nourry 1520, Lyon, Arnoullet undated, all described as “fort rare”, followed in 1595 by the first of innumerable editions of the text edited by Francois de Rosset.(“... son texte est, aux jugement de M. Jannet, le meilleur de tous ceux qui ont paru avant 1853” - Brunet). After extensive electronic searches we are able to claim that all editions before the 18th century are very rare. Of the 16th and 17th century editions we have located no copy of any edition before 1596, 2 copies of the present edition (Exeter Cathedral and All Souls’ Oxford), a copy of a 1607 edition in the British Library and a 1621 edition in the Bodleian Library, both of which are also held by the Austrian National Library. The next edition recorded is 1726, held by Princeton, Yale, UC Irvine, and Bryn Mawr. A 1734 edition is recorded at UCLA, U Cincinnati and National Library of Spain, but the earliest at Harvard and New York PL is the 1837 edition. Apparently an excessively rare text until rediscovered by Jannet in 1853, since which it has been constantly reprinted.
[LA SALE, Antoine de (1385-1461)] attributed to
Rouen : Chez Raphael du petit Val, devant la grand porte du Palais. 1596
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