Libro di novelle, et di bel parlar gentile nel qual si contengono Cento Novelle altrauolto mandate fuori da Messer Carlo Gualteruzzi da Fano, di nuovo ricorrette, con aggiunta di quattro altre nel fine.

Book Description
8vo, a4, A-I8, K12, the last blank,title in red and black with a fine vignette engraved by And. Mailar after Ant. Baldi, finely engraved headpiece and historiated initial on page 1, printed on strong paper, slightly browned throughout, cont. vellum covered boards, morocco title label to spine, a good sound copy.
Dealer Notes
Although not published until 1525, this collection was first put together towards the end of the 13th century. Several of them were borrowed and adapted by Boccaccio for his Decameron.
GUALTERUZZI, Carlo (1500-1577)
Florence : 1724
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