Macmillan Pocket Leather Edition of the Works of Rudyard Kipling.

Book Description
(Actions and Reactions; Barrack Room Ballads; A Book of Words; Captains Courageous; The Day’s Work; Debits and Credits; Departmental Ditties; A Diversity of Creatures; The Five Nations; From Sea to Sea and other sketches, volume I; From Sea to Sea and other sketches, volume II; The Jungle Book; The Second Jungle Book; Just So Stories; Kim; Land and Sea Tales for Scouts and Guides; Letters of Travel 1892 – 1913; Life’s Handicap; The Light that Failed; Limits and Renewals; Many Inventions; The Naulahka: A Story of West and East; Plain Tales From The Hills; Puck of Pook’s Hill; Rewards and Fairies; The Seven Seas; Soldiers Three, and other stories; Something of Myself; Songs from Books; Stalky and Co.; Traffics and Discoveries; Wee Willie Winkie; The Years Between).
12mo. 33 volumes. Publisher’s limp red/burgundy leather, gilt. Top edges gilt. Silk marker ribbons. Some volumes illustrated. Most volumes have a little wear to the spine ends. No ownership marks except for a neat ink presentation on the fly of Something of Myself, ‘To Willie, With fondest love from Clara’ Contents clean and fresh. Near fine.
Dealer Notes
This run lacks just four volumes from the complete set: A Kipling Anthology: Prose; A Kipling Anthology: Verse; Souvenirs of France & Thy Servant a Dog. Most volumes are reprints from the late 1920s but there are some first editions (in any format) included. Complete sets are very uncommon due to the long publishing history and the fact that, though it is called a Uniform Edition, it was never sold new as a set. Someone has clearly spent years putting this together.
Kipling, Rudyard
London, Macmillan and Co.
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