Book Description
JAMES PAINE Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Other Ornaments of the Mansion-House, Belonging to the Corporation of Doncaster.
Printed for the Author, 1751.
Folio. pp. Engraved title, [4], 3; 13 full page and 4 double page plates [numbered I - XXI as the double page plates are numbered twice]. Late nineteenth century half calf, paper sides spotted. Internally a nice clean uncut copy.
Rare. Paine published this book to bring his work to a larger audience (although he had undertaken work for a number of the local gentry), and in doing so, he made the project seem even more important than it was. His illustrated designs show two substantial wings, although only the central block was commissioned and constructed. These wings were supposedly for the town clerk and the recorder; the town clerk was a part time official and a practising attorney, and the recorder lived in his own substantial country seat at Owston. Moreover, the corporation did not own the land which these houses would have occupied. See the introduction by Dr. Brian Barber to the facsimile reprint of this book.
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