Book Description
NEWARK ELECTIONS 5 Items bound in one. 1. A Report of the Speeches delivered at the Hustings, and a reprint of the addresses, songs, and squibs, issued by the different parties prior to the Contested Election for the Borough of Newark. Also an Alphabetical List of the Poll taken before William Readett. [1830] 2. The Poll Book, containing an accurate list of the Poll taken from the Mayor’s Books Distinguishing the unpolled abd rejected electors...also a lst of persons whose names were rejected by the Revising Barristers from being placed on the Register of Electors. [1832] 3. The Poll Book of a Contested Election for One Member to Serve in Parliament for the Borough of Newark...with the Speeches at the Nomination, Addresses, etc... [1840]. 4. The Poll Book containing an accurate list of the Polled and Unpolled Electors... [1840] 5. The Poll Book containing an accurate list of the Polled and Unpolled Electors for the Election which took place on the 29th June, 1841... [1841]
Newark: S. and C. Ridge, Eliza Hage, J. Bridges, J. Wells, 1830 - 41.
5 volumes in one. 8vo. pp. 126, 38, [1]; coloured, folded, barometric illustration of the poll: 36, viii, 67, [24]: 28: 27. 20th century half calf, Fine.
Dealer Notes
The 1832 election saw William Ewart Gladstone, later Chancellor of the Exchequer and then Prime Minsister, elected to Parliament for the first time at the age of 22.
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